
Your search results

Showing 141 – 150 of 215 Results

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  1. ACLU Celebrates Victory for Freedom to Marry in California; Commits to Obtain Same Freedom for Virginians

    June 26, 2013Press releaseLGBTQ+ Rights
  2. ACLU of Virginia Celebrates SCOTUS Ruling in Favor of Federal Recognition of All Legal Marriages

    June 26, 2013Press releaseLGBTQ+ Rights
  3. Voters who don’t want to see their schools turned into a political battlefield should vote

    November 3, 2023News updateLGBTQ+ Rights, Voting Rights, First Amendment Rights
  4. Court of Appeals Strikes Down Virginia Sodomy Law

    March 12, 2013Press releaseCriminal Legal Reform, LGBTQ+ Rights
  5. Court of Appeals Allows Transgender Inmate’s Claim against Department of Corrections to Proceed

    January 28, 2013Press releaseCriminal Legal Reform, LGBTQ+ Rights
  6. ACLU and Equality Virginia Commend State Board of Juvenile Justice for Standing Strong on Rules to Protect LGBT Youth in Its Care

    November 14, 2012Press releaseCriminal Legal Reform, LGBTQ+ Rights
  7. ACLU Excoriates House of Delegates for Rejection of Judicial Candidate Based on Sexual Orientation

    May 15, 2012Press releaseLGBTQ+ Rights
  8. Under Pressure, Suffolk School Board Backs Off Discriminatory Gender-Based Dress Code Policy

    March 5, 2012Press releaseLGBTQ+ Rights
  9. Senate Joins House in Approving Bill Allowing Discrimination by State-Licensed Adoption Agencies

    February 9, 2012Press releaseLGBTQ+ Rights
  10. State Social Services Board Approves Regulations Allowing Discrimination by Private Adoption Agencies

    December 15, 2011Press releaseLGBTQ+ Rights
