The 2022 General Assembly was a session of highs and lows. While we were able to block several bad bills for voting rights, LGBTQ+ rights, reproductive rights, and more, many of our priority bills did not make it through this legislative session. Even bills that had bipartisan support and little to no opposition fell victim to political agendas.
Below is a quick view by issue area of the ending status for some of the bills we advocated for and against. At a glance, you can tell if the bill passed, failed, or took another legislative path. Want more information? Click on How a Bill Becomes Law in Virginia. We’ve also captured whether, based on our objectives and values, we consider the status a win or a loss in furthering our agenda. Make sure to also check out our partners in each issue area - we couldn’t do what we do without our partners. While we are disappointed with many of the outcomes of this General Assembly, the ACLU of Virginia exists for times like these. We’ll continue our advocacy for policies that benefit all Virginians and block bills that are unjust and unfair. We’re gearing up for the 2023 General Assembly already – that’s what we do.