Publication Listings

ACLU of Virginia publications offer a variety of issue-area content and general ACLU information for your research, education, or advocacy needs, or just to satisfy your curiosity. 

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Accountability in Virginia Policing: An Agenda for Reform

Trust is dependent on the culture within both the community and the law enforcement agency. The primary focus of police reform must be on policies and practices that enhance professionalism, transparency and accountability.

May 4, 2017

Advocacy Toolkit: "Freedom Cities" Model Policies in Virginia

We should all join together in being proactive in moving state and local officials to adopt laws and policies that will encourage and protect freedom for all people in Virginia rather than constrain it for any of us. With your help, we can have “Freedom Cities” across Virginia!

May 4, 2017

Getting to Win-Win: The Use of Body-Worn Cameras in Virginia Policing

Body worn cameras (BWCs) are cameras worn on police officers’ bodies that record audio and video of officers’ interactions with the public from the officers’ perspective. In this report, the ACLU shares what it found on the use of BWCs by law enforcement agencies in Virginia.

September 9, 2015

2014 Annual Report

The ACLU of Virginia's Annual Report for 2013-2014.

September 15, 2014