ACLU of Virginia publications offer a variety of issue-area content and general ACLU information for your research, education, or advocacy needs, or just to satisfy your curiosity.
Silent Injustice: Solitary Confinement in Virginia
This report discusses the negative impacts of solitary confinement as practiced in Virginia, the systemic difficulties prisoners have in escaping it and returning to the general population, and the State’s failure to exclude individuals with serious mental health problems from solitary confinement.
May 10, 2018 Criminal Legal ReformFighting for Racial Justice in Virginia (Spring 2018)
Achieving racial justice is one of the most important goals of the ACLU of Virginia. It is both a specific focus of our work and a goal that informs and affects nearly every aspect of our civil rights and civil liberties mission.
May 9, 2018 Criminal Legal ReformPermitting Demonstrations: Guiding Principles
The ACLU of Virginia prepares a white paper titled Permitting Demonstrations: Guiding Principles, which summarizes the legal principles that should guide a governmental entity in permitting protests and demonstrations.
January 10, 2018Let People Vote: Ensuring Justice at the Ballot
Virginia has a long and troubled history with voting rights. It is time we made clear that the right to vote is essential to a healthy democracy, and it belongs to the people. It is not a privilege to be used by the government to reward or punish its people.
December 4, 2017 Voting RightsAdvocacy Toolkit: Censorship and Banned Books
Parents, school officials, and politicians often have tried to get rid of books from schools and libraries.
September 26, 2017 First Amendment Rights