Robert O’Harrow, author of “No Place to Hide”
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Wine and Cheese at 7:30 pm Program begins at 8:00 pm
Goodwin House Bailey’s Crossroads 3440 S. Jefferson St., Falls Church, VA
Robert O’Harrow, Jr., award-winning Washington Post reporter, will lead a discussion of his book, “No Place to Hide,” which details the new partnership between private data collection companies and government anti-terror initiatives to collect detailed information on each of us. O’Harrow will discuss privacy issues and the impact that the government’s concern for national security has on our personal security – and the impact that the data revolution is having on crime, since now almost anyone can buy a dossier on you, including almost everything it takes to commit identity theft, for less than fifty dollars. Come and hear what’s happening to your privacy . . . and what you can do about it.