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Showing 21 – 30 of 343 Results

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  1. ACLU-VA & Coalition Partners Ask Gov. Northam to Amend Bills to Shed Light on Solitary Confinement in Virginia

    March 4, 2019Press releaseCriminal Legal Reform
  2. ACLU-VA Calls on Gov. Northam to Veto Anti-Immigration Bills

    February 25, 2019Press releaseCriminal Legal Reform, Immigrants' Rights
  3. ACLU-VA Calls on Norfolk Sheriff to Stop Helping ICE Enforce Federal Immigration Law

    February 15, 2019Press releaseCriminal Legal Reform, Immigrants' Rights
  4. Report on Racial Inequity in Virginia Law Shows Systemic Racism

    December 6, 2019Press releaseCriminal Legal Reform
  5. Hundreds of Virginians held in prolonged solitary confinement join ACLU of Virginia class action lawsuit

    April 13, 2023Press releaseCriminal Legal Reform
  6. Governor’s Public Support for Reform of Felon Disenfranchisement Law Praised, But ACLU Urges Action

    May 7, 2012Press releaseCriminal Legal Reform, Voting Rights
  7. ACLU-VA submits letter urging Gov. Youngkin to amend solitary legislation

    March 7, 2023Press releaseCriminal Legal Reform
  8. ACLU Wants Federal Court to Order Sheriff to Allow Employees to Return to Work

    May 3, 2012Press releaseCriminal Legal Reform, Free Speech, Privacy & Technology
  9. ACLU Encourages Governor and Attorney General to Assist Innocent Man Still in Prison and Reform 21-Day Rule

    November 15, 2012Press releaseCriminal Legal Reform
  10. ACLU-VA Welcomes Attorney General Mark Herring's Support for Bail Reform

    October 22, 2018Press releaseCriminal Legal Reform
