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July 24, 2017

On behalf of our more than 40,000 members and supporters, the ACLU of Virginia sent a letter to Representatives Barbara Comstock to thank her for voting against the Hartzler Amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act – a discriminatory and unconstitutional attack on transgender service members.

The Hartzler Amendment was rejected by a vote of 209-214, to which the opposition from a dozen Republican congress members, including Rep. Comstock, had played a crucial role. This victory demonstrates that support for LGBT rights in Congress is not a partisan issue, and we highly commend Rep. Comstock for standing up against this mean-spirited and illegal attack on transgender people. As some members of Congress attempt to revive this mean-spirited amendment, we urge Rep. Comstock to remain steadfast in her opposition to this measure.

Download and read our letter in the attached file below.