ACLU of Virginia publications offer a variety of issue-area content and general ACLU information for your research, education, or advocacy needs, or just to satisfy your curiosity.
This manual explains key provisions of the PATRIOT Act for those who want to understand it better and especially for those who want to use that knowledge to change it.
The most important lesson in this report – and it comes through loud and clear– is that Virginia’s criminal justice system is crippled by procedures that fail to ensure a reliable determination of guilt or innocence.
We began this study with the idea of analyzing government documents to shed light on a health care institution that we only knew through anecdotes. What we discovered was that bad attitudes, bad laws and bad policies make getting to the bottom of health care in prison an arduous and impossible task.
Every voter has a vital stake in redistricting because it determines the composition of districts that elect public officials at every level of government. This report examines local redistricting in Virginia from the viewpoint of racial fairness.
This report casts a dark shadow over Virginia, a shadow that will not be dispelled so long as individuals are charged, tried, and executed under the existing system for administering the death penalty here. It is time to do something about that.