Marijuana legalization is a hot-button issue in Virginia politics. This conversation shouldn’t be focused on people who want to enjoy recreational marijuana. It must focus on the hundreds of Black and Brown Virginians who are suffering the lifelong consequences of the war on drugs - gaining access to stable employment and housing, or bouncing in and out of the criminal legal system, because marijuana laws have been used as a weapon against Black and Brown people for decades.
It's past time for Virginia to legalize marijuana, and we must center equity and racial justice as we move toward legalization. We created this guide with helpful and relevant resources about marijuana legalization that you may use to reach out to your senator and delegate. Join us and let your Virginia lawmakers know that this is one of the most important issues that need to be addressed during the General Assembly.
Bill information (2021)
- SB 1406 (co-patrons: Sen. Ebbin and Sen. Lucas)
- The governor proposes this legislation. Sen. Ebbin and Sen. Lucas are carrying it. We are analyzing the governor's proposals and will update this page with our assessment.
- HB 2312 (patron: Del. Herring)
How you can help
- Email your Virginia delegate and senator
- Key legislators:
- Senators: Edwards, Saslaw, Deeds, Petersen, Surovell, Boysko, and Morrissey
- Delegates: Herring, Mullin, Watts, Filler-Corn, and Heretick
- Call your Virginia delegate and senator. You can find their contact info here: https://whosmy.virginiageneralassembly.gov/
- Share our Lobby Guide
- Follow us on social media to stay posted of upcoming hearings and weekly action items
- Use the information below to help inform your call with your lawmakers.